About the author

KJ Rose

<p>Bestselling author <strong>KJ Rose</strong> was born and raised in the Nation&#8217;s Capital of the United States, <em>Washington, DC</em> with her parents. <strong>KJ</strong>&#160;was an Information Technology Security Specialist before shifting to <em>erotic romance</em> publishing where she worked from home. As a young adult, <strong>KJ</strong> had a wild imagination of becoming an <em>erotic</em> film director. Her <em>voyeur characteristics</em> passioned her to publish <em>erotic</em> thoughts on paper instead of perusing film. <strong>KJ </strong>published her first <em>erotic romance novel </em>&#8211; an <em>erotic romance</em> called &#8220;<em><strong>Sexy Doctor Takes Patient In Hospital</strong></em>&#8221; -- in 2020. <strong>KJ Rose </strong>is nothing like her characters, but in real life she is f<em>amily oriented, meek</em>, and <em>nurturing</em> towards the <u>homeless</u> and the neighborhood <u>stray cats.</u> Let&#8217;s face it. <strong>KJ</strong> couldn&#8217;t handle the dominant, sensual, sexual, appetite of the&#160;<em>erotic romances</em>&#160;within&#160;her imagination.&#160;</p>