About the author

Scott Cravens

<p>Scott Cravens is an American writer and humorist whose work captures the<br/>&#13; nuance and subtlety of the American South. Born in Arkansas in the mid 90&#8217;s,<br/>&#13; his work is reflective of the commonly held sentiment that he and his fellow<br/>&#13; millennials share: "There is no American Dream. There is only this drab<br/>&#13; American Reality."</p><p><br/>&#13; As an undergraduate student, Scott became enamored with the writings of<br/>&#13; Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Cormac McCarthy, Albert Camus and various other greats<br/>&#13; while working on the completion of his degree in Social Science. Before he<br/>&#13; graduated from Harding University (central Arkansas) in 2018, he worked as an editorial reader for the University's journal publication Tenor of Our Times.<br/>&#13; From 2021-2023 Scott attended Johns Hopkins University where he further<br/>&#13; tempered his craft, while completing his Masters in Writing.</p><p><br/>&#13; Writing short stories became a passion, by which he continually tries to<br/>&#13; write a short story once a month, for the sake of writing itself. Currently, he is<br/>&#13; invested in his job as a high school educator in Norman, Oklahoma where he<br/>&#13; teaches AP World Literature, AP Humanities, and American Literature.</p>