About the author

T. A. Shaw

T. A. Shaw is a normal guy who sadly fell into the pit of porn while in school at an age when kids ought to be kids. He gradually became enticed by material smuggled into school by other students. He managed to keep his secret for many, many years untl HLS stormed the doors of his home. Something no one wants to experience. <br><br>But that experence brought to light his addiction, giving him the chance he felt he couldn't take before to confess to and beg forgiveness from his famly. Most of whom, to his relief, were quite ready to do so when they discerned his sincere repentance. Shame for what he'd been doing for so long had kept him from seeking help. Fear of losing famly ties. Seeing the disgust and hate in their faces. This happens for a good many people. People who basically are good, but fell into that trap. He will always be grateful for the second chance he'd been given.<br><br>T. A. got help right away. And by the time of his actual arrest, 3 years later, he'd cleaned up his life. His advice to anyone imprisioned by this vice is to seek help at once. Find someone you trust to talk to. Get a therapist if you can't talk to a friend or famly member. T. A discovered too late that his family would've been there for him, would've helped him to overcome his addiction. They are his main support to this day. Had he done so even a few weeks earlier, his life likely would've been much different than it is today. And he'd've saved his family a great deal of heartache and sadness because it didn't affect just his life but everyone else's besides. <br><br>Anyone who's seen Downton Abbey will recall Bates telling people prison was an education. T. A. didn't learn the sort of skills John Bates apparently did. Although likely there were those who possessed such skills. Nor did he receive any rehibilitation skills offered through the correctional system as most people believe are offered in every correctional facility. That's a falsehood. Like the gourmet food people think inmates dine on while kids starve in the world. No useful classes were ever offered--in fact were taken away. And the food's terrible.&nbsp; <br><br> However, through a handful of inmates willing to share their talents, he learned to draw and paint as if he'd been doing it all his life. How to make board games out of practically nothing, a taste of guitar playing, and a few other useful skills that didn't have a chance to develop since those inmates were released or transferred before he had the chance to master whatever it was they taught--and there was no one else to take over the instruction.<br><br>Now home, T. A. still enjoys drawing, painting. He's learning wood working from his dad. He also enjoys writing, Bible study, good food and a comfortable place to rest with as many blankets as he wants, DDR, biking and time with family. <br><br>Sincere regret for entering this dark side of porn and turning around one's life doesn't take away the stigma of it in the eyes of the majority. You are damned forever no matter what in their head. Take heed from one who's living that life now . . . don't start down that road of shadows. Embrace the life you enjoy now and never lose it. <br><br>