About the author

Victoria Wright

​​​​​​​Inspirational writer Victoria Wright has&nbsp;embarked on a journey to find her true self. In the process, she is remembering how to be whole, to look inward for guidance, and to know her&nbsp;truth. Her&nbsp;journey is full of beauty and discovery. She&nbsp;invites you to embark on your own journey of remembering.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>​​​​​​​<br>​Her published works include Healing Words, To Inspire, Remember, and Know; Listen Within, A novel of discovery and finding true self; and Red, Red, White, A novel of love and true light.<br>​​​​​​​<br>Victoria is from Martha's Vineyard, MA and is a member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head Aquinnah. Currently she and her family reside&nbsp;just outside of Denver, CO.&nbsp;