About the author

Peter Serefine

<b>Allow me to introduce Peter Serefine: a U.S. Navy veteran, devoted U.S. Mail carrier, Certified Instructor for the Institute on the Constitution, and a Patriot Academy Constitutional Coach. Peter epitomizes the spirit of service, having served both his country and his community with unwavering dedication.</b> <br> <b>With a high school education and an essential role as a Pennsylvania State Constable, Peter is deeply rooted in his community. He stands as a representative of the diminishing middle class, carrying the aspirations and concerns of his fellow citizens. It was in the midst of the turbulent political landscape of 2016 that Peter felt a profound calling to be an agent of change. This calling led to the creation of “Progress, Really?,” a platform designed to spark critical thinking about the direction of societal and political progress.</b> <br> <b>However, Peter’s impact reaches far beyond this initial endeavor. His insatiable passion for enlightenment inspired the establishment of the Liberty Lighthouse, a beacon of insight for those navigating the intricate landscape of today’s world. But Peter wasn’t satisfied with merely inspiring through words. He took a step further by creating the online Liberty Lighthouse Classroom, a virtual space where he shares the principles of constitutional governance to empower others on their journey.</b> <br> <b>Balancing a demanding full-time job, op-ed article writing, and book publishing, All of these remarkable efforts unfold against the backdrop of his residence in a quaint Victorian town in Pennsylvania. Sharing in this incredible journey is Staisha Hancock, Peter’s cherished partner, whose unwavering patience beautifully complements his passionate political discussions.</b> <br> <b>Peter Serefine is the embodiment of dedication, a true advocate for knowledge and change, both within his community and far beyond. His life’s work is a testament to the unwavering commitment to the principles he holds dear, and his journey serves as an inspiration to all who seek to make a positive impact in our world.</b>