About the author

Quashon Davis

<p>In 2006 Quashon Davis hit rock bottom. He was going through divorce, he was broke, depressed, and he weighed over 300 pounds. He had stopped doing all the things he loved. He&rsquo;d gave up basketball, wasn&rsquo;t doing any writing, and avoided his friends and family. One day, he ran into one of his childhood friends who was just releasing their first book. &ldquo;I bought it to show support.&rdquo; Quashon said. &ldquo;I read it and said to myself; &lsquo;I could do so much better than this.&rsquo; In 2007 Quashon released Masquerade, which was hailed as one of the best self-published books of the year. &ldquo;I sold 800 copies of that book in the first three weeks.&rdquo; The success of his debut novel made Quashon get himself together. He lost over 70 pounds, finished school, and became a high demand event host. Recently Quashon completed his second novel; The Dirty Circle. The Dirty Circle has gotten amazing beta reviews, and Quashon hasn&rsquo;t stopped there. New Jersey based independent filmaker company, Dinomite Films has approached him regarding turning The Dirty Circle into a feature film. The trailer for the film was recently completed and viewers are all in agreeance that this is one worthy of the big screen. Quashon Davis is definitely one to watch and currently is working on some screenplays and his third untitled novel.</p>