About the author

Adam Howe

<p>Adam Howe writes the twisted fiction your mother warned you about. A British writer of fiction and screenplays, he lives in Greater London with his partner and their hellhound, Gino (yeah, you got it; Steven Seagal&#8217;s character in <em>Out for Justice</em>). Writing as Garrett Addams, his short story <em>Jumper</em> was chosen by Stephen King as the winner of the <em>On Writing</em> contest; the prize was publication in the paperback and eBook editions of <em>On Writing</em>, and an audience with The King, where they mostly discussed slow vs. fast zombies. (SK on <em>The Return of the Living Dead</em> zombies: &#8220;Those fuckers were <em>fast</em>, man!&#8221;)&#160; His books from Red Room Press include <em>Die Dog or Eat the Hatchet, Black Cat Mojo</em>, and <em>Tijuana Donkey Showdown</em>. . . Be warned. Tweet him @Adam_G_Howe.</p>