About the author

Mario Linguari

<p>I&#39;m an Internet Expert Marketeer where I do many jobs like, presentations, coaching and I write books for all those who want to start this wonderful journey in this online business of the future. During my free time and travels it&#39;s where I find the time and I open a window to my inspiration, I love to write what I feel and I know, I like to communicate through my books with my readers and reach with them a personal way of communication. Inspiration is like a magical moment that passes quickly without warning you, are alike when you hear a sound that you do not know and you stop to feel magical moment, try to know the origins and where it comes from, and at this moment you concentrate and prevent to hear other sounds, forgetting for a while all the surrounds to capture this magical moment with both hands and fantasize a picture to watch as soon as we open our eyes</p>