About the author

Niranjan K

<p>Niranjan is the pen name of Geetha Krishnan. Geetha has&#160;been interested in books from an early age and had started writing from childhood. She also writes poetry in her spare time and has published a volume of poetry titled <em>The End of the Rainbow. </em>She has written several books and has published <em>Ayana:The Journey,</em> a semi finalist at SPFBO 2019, <em>Dharmasamsthapanarthaya: The Tale of a God Fettered, Karna: A collection of Tales, </em><em>With One Swift Stroke, A Story Lost in Time, Mahabharata: A Book of Tales, The Mansion, A Forgotten Melody, Pradyutita and Never a Good Time. </em>Her short stories have&#160;won international acclaim in several competitions.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>The untimely death of her sixteen year old son in 2019 has prompted her&#160;to adopt his name as her pen name, and now she writes under the name of Niranjan K.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>She lives in India with her partner and their daughter.&#160;</p>