About the author

Lisette Starr

I am the doting aunty of nine and the step mum of one. Originally from the UK my husband and I now live on the edge of the forrest just outside of Melbourne, in one of the quirkiest towns in Australia. (Population - about 2,000. Cafe's &amp; Art galleries - about 45,000. Tourists - A LOT!).&nbsp;<br><br>I care for my mum, who is, (apart from being the most relentlessly "glass half full" person I have ever met), blind, half deaf and almost crippled, (she can't stand up unsupported). She has been living with us for the last 5 years. AND Yes, it is hard work, but it has given me the opportunity to write, and start up RED BEETLE BOOKS... so turns out that I am blessed, and all that hard work has been truly worth it. *Also my mum is hysterically funny, interesting and cheerful, so it's not really a chore!&nbsp;<br><br>I love writing verse. I started writing songs when I was nine, and have been at it all my life. I have a degree in Film &amp; TV, have written and directed several short films and one feature, made a few video clips, and been a finalist in the "Filmmaker's International screen writing awards" three times. I have also won a number of small short story competitions. I am known for being a bit of a wordsmith.&nbsp;<br><br>My aim is to deliver you quality books that are fun to read and have great messages, and I invite you to join me on my journey through the fabulous world of imagination that are kids books!&nbsp;<br><br>You can follow Red Beetle Books on Facebook or Twitter. And if you go to the Red Beetle Books website and sign up for the "Red Beetle Book Club", I will send you a free colouring book, and keep you up to date with any new releases, special offers, freebies or big discounts... come and join me... I'd love to have you in the club!