About the author

Joanna Chestnut

<p>Joanna Cathleen&#160;Chestnut was born and raised in a small New Jersey town during the 1950&#8217;s and &#8216;60&#8217;s.&#160; From 1972 until today, she has raised 6 children, 5 of whom are adopted.&#160; Joanna earned a Bachelor&#8217;s Degree from Jacksonville University in Florida, and a Master&#8217;s Degree in Non-Profit Administration from Greenwich University.&#160; From 1981 to 1991, Joanna worked for an environmental law firm, Sierra Legal Defense Fund (now called Earth Justice).&#160; She then worked in a human services agency providing oversight for a drug and alcohol program for women and infants.&#160; In 1998, Joanna became a Grant Writer and for over 10 years, helped fund non-profit organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area.&#160; She and her husband and 4 of their children re-located to the Seattle, WA area in July of 2008.&#160; Having been divorced from her husband of 28 years in May 2012, Joanna now lives in the Las Vegas Valley. In addition to <u>THE 2ND SEXUAL REVOLUTION </u>, Joanna also published <u>LIBERALS LIED TO ME</u> in May of 2019.</p>