About the author

Marco Corsa

<p>I was born in Brindisi, on June, 8th 1970 and I still live in South Italy. I graduated in computer science and work in the field in a big Italian multinational.<br>&#13; I am married with Fabiana and I'm father of two little girls: Ludovica, who was born on 28/12/04 and Lavinia,who was born 25/02/09. I have a huge fortune: I am creative while I sleep. In fact, "The Unattended Guest", "The White City" and "The Legend of the Golden Mouth" come from dreams I did and, believe me, they were just like that.<br>&#13; An invitation to my readers and anyone who wants to participate: send me pictures for the covers at the address m.corsa@alice.it and I will use them naming the author on the cover.<br>&#13; The last thing: Welcome in my tribe.<br>&#13; <br>&#13; Photo:S.Macelletti y tribe.</p>