About the author

John Thibault

<p>John Thibault is the founder and CEO of Silicon Valley startup, iLobby and the author of the #1 International bestseller &quot;How to Change a Law&quot; and &ldquo;Sway.&rdquo;</p> <p>Previously he served in&nbsp;government affairs at MCA/Universal. He was&nbsp;also the first VP of business&nbsp;development and marketing at eBay and the first VP of marketing at Financial&nbsp;Engines.</p> <p>He has been published in Association News,&nbsp;Manufacturing Today, CEO for High Growth Ventures and Millennial Magazine and been interviewed on radio affiliates for ABC, CBS and NBC. John is also the 2nd most viewed writer on the topic of lobbying on Quora.</p> <p>He holds&nbsp;a Bachelor&#39;s degree from Ryerson University and an MFA from&nbsp;UCLA. He&nbsp;enjoys skiing and lives with his wife and three&nbsp;children in Northern California.</p>