About the author

Zeta Star

<p>Greetings and salutations. I’m a lifelong sci-fi and fantasy fan. It’s generational, really, as my mom took me with her to sci-fi conventions when I was a kid. Some of my best memories are playing laser tag in the hotel hallways. Since writing my first (very) short story in grade school about three dragons fleeing by car from a nameless enemy, I’ve had characters and worlds clamoring for attention in my mind. Now I get to share them with readers like you, and I’m so excited!</p><p>When I’m not writing, you’ll find me playing with my cats, doing karaoke, and occasionally dressing up as Ziggy Stardust. If you want to get notified about future releases from me and get random snippets of what I’m working on (or sort of working on), check out my reader club at zetastarauthor.com/newsletter.</p>