About the author

Fran Tabor

Fran believes fiction's ultimate purpose isn't entertainment. It is to prepare us for moments we have not&nbsp; yet -- and may never -- live. Fran's books include romance, mysteries, facts and wild science fiction speculations.<br>​​​​​​​The need for romance books is obvious -- love should be part of everyone's life. Like wise mysteries of all types are part of life. None of us can know everything about everyone all the time. We are always living real life mysteries.<br>​​​​​​​The need for factual books is obvious -- we live in the real world.<br>​​​​​​​Society's need for imaginative, mutlifaceted science fiction is not so obvious.<br>​​​​​​​Our first contact with extraterrestrials will most likely be in a manner we cannot imagine, and therefore we need all the imagination-stretchers possible.&nbsp; Unless there are no extraterrestrial aliens. Then we need to share the gift of life with the universe. That will demand even more imagination.<br>