About the author

Sunday Beto

<p><strong>&nbsp;ABOUT THE AUTHOR</strong></p><p>Okoedion Sunday Beto was born in Uromi Edo State, Southern Region of Nigeria. He is an entrepreneur endowed with smart creative intelligence, a generalist whose wisdom in business has invoked a greater increase in profit growth in an era of business competition! He attended Dorben Polytechnic and later became the president of the Public Administration Department of Student (PADS) in 2004. He attended SAE Institute of Technology, Vienna Austria.</p><p>After fitness modelling experience in Leprovocate in Bratislava Slovakia, he started business marketing research, about the book &ldquo;Business Power to Success&rdquo;. After much experience as an entrepreneur in AMWAY, American company, where he became a &ldquo;prominent distributor.&rdquo; He is the father of &ldquo;Business Quote on Marble.&rdquo; This book research finally drove him to Doha for a research in international business best practice. Throughout his research, he has finally come out with a concluded fact, about how best to run a business with smart creative intelligence to achieve success. Most of his principles contained in the book; &ldquo;Business Power to Success&rdquo; is a key, which can escalate any business to greater heights of growth all over the world.</p><p></p><p></p>