About the author

Denese Sheree

<p>I was born in West Auckland. One day, Uncle John asked me, &#8220;What are you going to do when you grow up?&#8221; I was about four years old, and I had just discovered his impressive veggie garden. &#8220;I'm going to grow vegetables.&#8221;&#160; &#8220;Well,&#8221; he said, &#8220;people will always need to eat.&#8221;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>&#160;</p>&#13; &#13; <p>I grew a garden in Auckland&#8217;s volcanic soil. I grew a garden in Papamoa&#8217;s sand. I grew a garden in the High Country above Rotorua and Tauranga, with frosts and thin, gravelly soil. I had two children in my 40s, and grew a huge garden in Hokianga&#8217;s heavy clay and high humidity. I stored lots of vegetables, milked a cow, bottled everything, made cheese, and raised poultry, which my husband and children processed for the freezer. I grew many sacks of spuds, onions, and kumara every year. We had plenty; we fed many, and we gave away food. I grew and dried maize, millet, and amaranth. We had more than we needed. But you don't stay young forever. Seeing the need for many to feed themselves, I have written down what I learnt. In my mind, God was showing me ways of doing things when the supply chains broke. And I know so many of these skills have been lost. Support each other through this time. Pray and rejoice, and the Lord Jesus be with you.</p>&#13; &#13; <p>&#160;</p>