About the author


<p><strong>J.R. Strayve, Jr. </strong>was born to a nomadic military family, attending nine schools before entering college. Following service in the United States Marine Corps, he raised a family. It is here that he discovered his talent for &#8220;spinning tales,&#8221; regaling his young children with spontaneous bedtime stories. His passion for history spoke to him. He spoke back and wrote the epic alternative historical series, <em>Braxton&#8217;s Century.</em> Book 1 was published in January 2021. Book 2 Will be published in the summer of 2021 with books 3 &amp; 4 to follow. He is currently co-authoring a sure-to-be best-seller blockbuster non-fiction detailing a&#160;Whistleblower expos&#233;. His first novel was and remains controversial: <em>First Spouse of the United States, </em>published in March 2019. A sequel is soon to follow. A short story, <em>The Lieutenant &amp; The Vintner</em> is available on Kindle.</p>