About the author

David R. Stevens

<p>Although <em>Sin Perd&oacute;n </em>is the author&rsquo;s first book to go to publication, there are about eight works, currently in progress, &ldquo;waiting in the wings,&rsquo; at various stages of completion. All the author&rsquo;s books, including <em>Sin Perd&oacute;n </em>deal loosely with that most devastating, critical period in American History when over 600,000 men, women, and children perished in the multi-faceted conflict &ndash; many issues of which were never really &lsquo;resolved,&rsquo; but still haunt and plague U.S. politics, today. The author&rsquo;s total &lsquo;civil war knowledge&rsquo; (from the public school system) could be summed-up in three phrases: &ldquo;the South had slaves;&rdquo; &ldquo;the North didn&rsquo;t like it;&rdquo; &lsquo;the North invaded the South and &lsquo;forced the issue,&rdquo; (resulting in the &lsquo;freeing&rsquo; of 3 million enslaved people &ndash; which, in fact, these peoples were never &lsquo;freed,&rsquo; as they are <em>still</em> depended on a hand-out in order to survive). Equally, all &lsquo;peripheral connections&rsquo; with that American conflict were virtually unknown.</p>