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ZCP English by Category

English books by category and subject. Click a book to see where it is available outside of

Old Testament I: Pentateuch

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey and Rev. Daniel G. Caram on a thorough study of the first five books of the Old Testament

Old Testament II: Historical Books

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Rev. Daniel G. Caram, and Rev. Norman Holmes on a thorough study of the historical books of the Old Testament

Old Testament III: Poetic Books 

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey and Dr. Paul G. Caram on a thorough study of each of the poetic books of the Old Testament

Old Testament IV: Prophetic Books

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey on a thorough study of each of the prophetic books in the Old Testament

New Testament I: Gospels

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Dr. Paul G. Caram, Rev. Daniel G. Caram, and Rev. Justin M. Steward on a thorough study of the first four books of the New Testament

New Testament II: Church & Acts 

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Dr. Paul G. Caram, Rev. Daniel G. Caram, Rev. Norman Holmes, and Rev. Justin M. Steward on a thorough study of the book of Acts and the New Testament Church

New Testament III: Epistles of Paul

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Dr. Paul G. Caram, and Rev. Daniel G. Caram on a thorough study of each of the Apostle Paul's epistles

New Testament IV: Final Epistles & Revelation 

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Dr. Paul G. Caram, and Rev. Norman Holmes on a thorough study of each of the final books of the New Testament

End Times

Join Rev. Frank R. Anderson, Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Rev. Daniel G. Caram, Mrs. Betsy Caram, and Mrs. Lois Kropf on a thorough study of the end times

The Trinity

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Mrs. Suzette Topper, and Mrs. Lois Kropf in getting to know the Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit

Young Adults

Join Pastor David Wallis, Pastor Daniel Caram Jr., and Mrs. Cathy Sharp in growing your relationship with Christ and receiving direction for your life

Children's Books

Explore the Bible with Denise R. Miller and Rebecca J. Blodgett! Children are sure to enjoy and love the colorful illustrations and stories that come alive.

Five-Fold Ministry

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey in studying the ministries of the pastor, apostle, prophet, evangelist, and teacher

Church Ministry

Receive guidance from Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Dr. Rob Tucker Jr, Dr. Paul Caram, and Rev. Norman Holmes on leading worship, preparing and delivering sermons, and administrating a church

Spiritual Growth

Join Dr. Brian J. Bailey, Dr. Paul G. Caram, Mrs. Betsy Caram, Rev. Robert Tucker Sr., Rev. Norman Holmes, and Rev. David Wallis in strengthening your faith and coming into maturity

Teacher's Manuals

Digital PDFs of Teacher's Manuals available only on the Google Play store. Click a book below, or search Google Play for "teacher's manual PDF"

Glory Hill Music

A collection of praise and worship songs written by songwriters from Zion Fellowship. Glory Hill Music is a ministry of Zion Fellowship.