Loaded Dice 6

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After six years of writing for The RPGuide, we've talked a lot about running and playing role-playing games. This is at last our final volume of Loaded Dice. Thank you for reading all this time!

This is a collection of our best and favorite articles from year six of RPGuide posts. It includes sections on Storytelling, plotting and pacing your RPG, non-player characters (NPCs), game rules and mechanics, and advice for players to create characters and then play them in a team sport like RPGs.

Whether you're new to role-playing games or have been gaming for years, come learn from our mistakes and take advantage of our experience.

My Storytelling Guides

About the author

Aron Christensen

Erica and Aron are the science fiction and fantasy authors of the Reforged Trilogy, In the House of Five Dragons and the recently completed Dead Beat occult detective serial. Their short fiction has appeared in eFiction and Abomination magazines. They also write paranormal adventure erotica under the porn names of Natalie and Eric Severine.

Aron and Erica live together in Sacramento, California, though they sometimes miss the dark pines and deep snow of the mountains. Their education included medicine, biology, psychology, criminal justice, anthropology, art, martial arts and journalism before they finally fell in love with writing fiction. Now they can’t quite remember why they bothered with all of that other stuff.