Editorial Reviews:
"Suddenly, Paris" is on the 2016 James Tiptree Jr Award long list.
5 Stars: "I have to admit that after reading Suddenly, Paris by Olga Werby, I immediately checked whether there were more books by the same author - and I picked up a few. I was surprised by how different the various stories were, but the writing style drew me into each of the novels. This one, however, was the one I liked best because it's more my kind of genre. I enjoyed how the different characters interacted, and the idea of Paris and his/her people is really interesting. I can't give away who Paris is, but it's such an unusual development, I really loved it. And these days, you don't get many unusual and fresh stories that often. I would definitely recommend this book to people who love fantasy, science fiction, and coming of age stories mixed into one exciting adventure. Also check out the sequel, and other books by the same author - you won't regret it! The plot of this novel is fantastic; you have to read it!" -- Readers' Favorite
5 Stars: "The plot of this novel is fantastic; you have to read it!" -- Readers' Favorite
Julie Vorov thought her job was to do well in high school and stay out of trouble. She also thought her biggest problem was betraying her best friend by hooking-up with a traitorous boyfriend. But in a world where being human is just a matter of programming, everything changes. Suddenly, Julie finds herself allied with a scrappy group of alien scientists whose own world has already been destroyed. Together, they mount a clandestine effort to stop the Earth from also being eradicated. And Julie discovers that she's the pivotal instability—the tipping point—in the plans of another group of aliens bent on invasion. As Julie battles to save everything she cares about, she uncovers secrets about her own origins that shatter the core of her beliefs. And she falls so deeply in love that the most extreme obstacles posed by loyalty, age, gender, species, and parents will have to be overcome. Your heart always recognizes the one you love.
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