About the author

Misty Zaugg

New author. Lifetime creative.<br><br>I remember being jealous of all the life adventures I read in the author bios of books I devoured at an early age. And somehow, I ended up with my own&nbsp;collection.<br><br>My eclectic list includes black belt, M.D., beekeeper, herbalist, hobby survivalist, yummy bread baker, devout Christian and my greatest accomplishments: homeschool mom of six and wife to the other kind of&nbsp;doctor - the engineering kind.<br><br>I started writing in kindergarten and dabbled in putting my stories onto paper for a scholarship here and a writing award there. It took me over a decade to finish my first novel and in my mid-forties, I finally got serious and started my Combat series, finishing a book every couple of months. I hope you enjoy them.<br><br>I love hearing from fans. Thank you for joining me in the worlds I create!<br><br>www.MistyZaugg.com