About the author

Gabriëlle Monego

Hello Dear Reader,<br>​​​​​​​<br>Thank you for your interest in my books and myself.<br>Between work, study, taking care of my loud, little people, and other crazy critters, I write fantasy fiction.<br>We live in Queensland, Australia, a country with plenty of inspirational landmarks to incorperate in my writing.&nbsp;My first novel Australian Magic was self-published a long time ago. My sister convinced me to do it. The second book, Australian Earth and Fire, was published thanks to the gentle encouragements from my friends and family. By the time I published the third one, recently, I finally realised that I am an Author.<br>So now I am putting more of my work out for the world and I hope you enjoy it too.<br><br>Just a quick note for the people that have been in contact:<br>I am rather overwhelmed with the amazing responses I've gotten, thank you!<br>If you haven't read them yet well,. . .<br>I've learned a lot about checking my work since I published Australian Magic ;)<br>The Westlanders is in the same universe as The Mediator, at the same time, but they can be read without reading The Mediator series.<br>There will be many more books coming soon. There will be fighters, assassins and an Outback genius (to name a few) as I have now dedicated time to publishing my work for your reading pleasure.<br><br>​​​​​​​Thank you for looking me up and enjoy.<br><em>(and if you have some spare time let me know what you thought, I'd love to hear from you and receive feedback)</em><br>GM<br><br>Insta: @gabrielle_monego_author<br>www.smashwords.com/profile/view/gabriellemonego<br>